May President’s Report

May President’s Report

It is hard to believe another month has passed so quickly. Your Office staff and executive have been very busy with fund raising, applying for grants and making good financial decisions. The good news is that even without an income we have been able to pay all the bills.

Hats off to all our members for helping us with the two successful 50/50’s that we held. This money was used as follows:

· Utilities- $7,850.00

· ATRON- $2,100.00 for Repair of the Kitchen Cooler and the furnace

· Insurance- $2,700.00

Total $12,650.00

The two 50/50’s paid these bills so thank you for helping keep our Legion in the black. Therefore we have another fundraiser happening called Wine Crate Raffle. Only 1000 tickets will be sold at $10.00 each and the fabulous prices are 1st $800 worth of wine, 2nd $600 worth of wine 3rd $400 worth of wine and 4th and 5th $100 worth of wine each. So far the support has been great but please consider helping us by buying or selling some tickets. If we sell all the tickets we will make $8,000.00. Just contact the Office and we will assist you.

I would like to extend a big thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for their $3,500.00 donation. This was greatly appreciated and certainly will be put to good use to help pay next month’s utility bill.

Holly has been busy painting the canteen and mowing the lawn which are not part of her job description but she has stepped up and does what needs to be done. Thank you Holly for doing such a great job. Your members and Executive appreciate all that you do. Judy has also been a great help assisting members by renewing membership, selling tickets, getting the bills paid and doing whatever she can in the Office during this difficult time.

Wes Krause will be at the Hillside Cemetery on June 3rd at around 11:00 to clean the Veterans headstones. If you are interested in helping please call the office. You will need a bucket and a scrub brush and probably a pair of rubber gloves. We are planning an invitation only ceremony on June 6th. It was felt we need to honour our veterans even during the Pandemic and lock-down.

I would like to thank Ray Anton’s family for donating the Legion pins he had collected over the years.

Robertson Memorial’s Padre Ron MacDonald is available for hospital visitations but you need to let the supervisor on the floor know you are giving him permission to visit the patient and then let us know so we can contact Ron.

If all goes well in Alberta and the benchmarks are met, Schooner’s Pub and Robertson Memorial Br #17 will open on June 15th. The Branch will open with very limited hours and the Pub’s hours will depend on the VLT’s. It is planned to serve lunch but stay tuned for further information with regards to hours, activities and specials.

The end is near and we will soon be together to celebrate life and to once again laugh and have fun together at our Legion. We will be opening slowly because we need to keep our eye on the bottom line. We did not come this far for this long to lose it all because of poor planning and lack foresight.

Thanks again for supporting all our fundraisers, we would not have made it without your support. Thanks to those who drop by to make a cash donation to the General Account. It has been very clear that we have been “in this together” and we will come “out of this together”.

Take care and see you soon,

Sheila Donner,
