“Hello, due to covid-19 health orders we are unable to gather as we usually do for Remembrance Day. Al’s Audio, Cook Southland Funeral Chapel and RJF Productions will working together to Facebook Live the local Remembrance Day Service at the cenotaph starting around 10:45 am on Wednesday, November 11. The live broadcast will be hosted at Cook Southland Funeral Chapel Facebook page at @cooksouthland.
Alternatively, the Legion Robertson Memorial Branch #17 in Medicine Hat and Shaw Spotlight with contributions from CFB Suffield, River Heights Elementary School and many schools within the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education have created a virtual Remembrance Day Service at https://youtu.be/ArsT9xH6QHM . This service will be broadcast on Shaw channel 10 and Shaw Blue Curve channel 105 throughout the day.
Whether you choose to watch the national, provincial or local Remembrance Day Service I encourage you to take time to remember those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom in Canada on Wednesday, November 11th. Please pass this message on to others within your organization.”
David Gee Producer, Shaw Spotlight
This was sent to me by President Sheila Donner in regards to how you are able to view the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Due to COVID-19, we are unable to have large crowds, so Shaw has made it possible to view it from home, without risking your health. If you have any questions, please call The Legion Office @ 403-527-7184 or contact President Sheila Donner. Thank You.