August President Report
The summer months have come to an end and I am happy to report that Robertson Memorial had a very good summer. This is mainly due to the hard work of all the staff, your executive and all our valuable volunteers. A big thank you is extended to all our loyal members who continued to support Br #17 during our lean summer months. Without your continued support we would certainly not be in the positive financial position we are presently in. It only makes me ask, where are all the other members? Robertson Memorial needs your support 12 months of the year to help meet our many expenses.
Our Raffles continue to do well with the executive continuing to do the bulk of the work. Your Legion needs more volunteers. Much as your executive enjoys doing the meat raffles and Chase the President, we need your help. Please let us know if you are interested in helping in some way.
Pool and Dart Leagues are about to start for the season. Monday and Thursday afternoons there will be senior darts in the canteen and darts in Schooners on Thursday evenings. The Pool teams play on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. October 5 District 6 Mixed Darts, Area B, will be held at Robertson Memorial. We will also be hosting 8 Ball District 6 Area B Doubles Pool on November 8th. Check with Kim Bohnet our Sports Officer for further details.
On August 23 we had the honour of hosting the Medicine Hat Stampede Queen Rayelle Smith and Princess Dionne Freimark during our Friday night Raffle. They helped with our 50/50 which we appreciated very much. We also hosted them and their chaperones for lunch on August 28th. Medicine Hat should be very proud to have these lovely ambassadors representing the Medicine Hat Stampede.
Your Poppy Campaign Committee has been busy already gearing up for the 2019 Poppy Campaign. Our Poppy order has already arrived and we have been busy organizing and preparing. Please start thinking about how you would like to help this year as we have already heard from some of our past workers that due to health issues they cannot help this year. We will need new volunteers so please ask for information as to where the Poppy Campaign can use your skills and expertise. Keep posted for when we will start filling envelopes for our annual Poppy Campaign Member and Business letter mail out.
Our August Casino went very well and I want to thank the volunteers who worked over the two days. A big thank you is also extended to all those who help with the Legion bingos and especially Lucille Bailey for all the organizing and work that she does for our Legion.
September 15th the Fall District Rally will be held in Redcliff. This is a wonderful opportunity for all members who wish to learn more about the Legion to attend. If you are interested in attending, please contact Judy in the Office for further information and to register. Please do this as soon as possible.
Some other events to be on the look-out for in the coming months include: a “Newfie Night” and possibly a Legion Wednesday morning breakfast. We are also considering an evening with Neil Sedlecki and his great music.
October 2nd you are invited to the presentation of the Meritorious Service Medal to Malcolm Glass and Mike Dunn. There will be a small reception following the ceremony in the Ortona Room. Earning this medal is the highest achievement offered by the Royal Canadian Legion and is not awarded by Dominion Command unless the recipient is very deserving. Come and honor these valued members of Robertson Memorial Br #17.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Donner, President