July President Report
July has been another busy month. A great thank you and congratulations is extended to Kim Bohnet and his helper Jack Bennett for a job well done with regards to the 55 plus Alberta Games 8 Ball Doubles Pool held on July 5 and 6. Well after the games were over we continued to hear praise for how well it was organized and that the food was great. No complaints about anything. Wow!! In fact one lady said she had been playing pool in the Alberta Games for 10 years and this was the best organized ever. Well done Kim!!
Thank you to all those who helped with the pre-sale for our Legion $10,000 Cash Draw, and those who helped at the booth at the Stampede Grounds. A great big thank you to Sandy Morrice for assuming the role of Chair and to Barb Lemna stepping up and helping at the end of each night. Thank you to Culligan Water for donating the water.
A great big thank you is extended to A & D Paving in Redcliff for fixing the big hole in our parking lot. They will be receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from Branch 17.
With the Poppy Campaign drawing near we will be doing an inventory of our supplies. Please keep in mind the dates in Oct/Nov when we will need your help. We are also planning to clean up our Garage. If anyone would like to come and help at the end of the month please let the office know.
Stay on the alert in the next month or so for a special German food feast prepared by our own cook Diane. She has been consulting with a German Chef so the meal should be terrific. Thank you to Diane and her kitchen help for all that they do to feed our customers and members with homemade and delicious food.
After the Decoration Day Ceremony, I wrote a letter to Veterans Affairs describing the state of some of the older headstones in the Field of Honour at Hillside Cemetery. I spoke to them and was assured that next summer they would be touring our cemetery looking for headstones hat need repair. In the meantime, if you notice any in dire need of repair, please take a picture and forward to legion17@shaw.ca. If there are at least 10 that need repair he is willing to fix them before next summer.
July 25, Parade Day was a great success at our Legion. The barbecue beef disappeared quickly and people were able to order off the menu. Neil Sedlecki’s music was outstanding. The line dancers display, and lessons were great fun and very entertaining addition to a well-attended Legion activity.
If you came in to the Legion prior to or during the Stampede you may have noticed the decorating in the western theme by the Ladies Auxiliary. They, along with Legion volunteers, did such a great job our Branch won 1st place for Bars and Pubs. August 23 the Stampede Queen and Princesses will attend the Meat Raffle. More info to follow.
Please try to attend our Friday Meat Raffles if you can. Sign up in calendar if you would like to work.
Respectfully submitted
Sheila Donner