President’s Report September 2023
Robertson Memorial Branch #17 continues to work diligently on fund raising for our CEBA loan. If you have not already, please try to help in some small way by buying tickets in our raffles or with a donation.
If you are interested in playing in Legion sports, please check the schedules posted on the Bulletin Board or call the office.
Our July light bill was $10,300 but our August came down to $7500. July was a very hot month and air conditioning was working overtime. After the shocking big bill, all the air conditioning thermostats were turned up and the lights were all turned off when not in use. I am sure this accounted for some of the difference. I wrote a letter on behalf of the Branch to the Ladies Auxiliary for some financial help, but have not heard back yet.
Our Friday afternoon Meat Raffles continue to be very popular with many staying to have supper. These meat raffles now start at 4:45 pm. We had a vote and that was the win-win position of those in attendance. We still need new volunteers to step up and help.
As you are aware the Buffs had their meat raffles in the Legion canteen during the summer months with the blessing of the Legion. We have not yet received the donation for using our canteen but the Branch will apply the money to the CEBA loan when we receive it.
Membership letter reminders are being mailed out with the poppy letter and poppies. Also the business letters have been mailed out to the Medicine Hat Community. We will be looking for volunteers to sit at the tables and to help get the routes ready for the volunteers. If you have the time to help with a route or to have one of your own, please call the office. We need all the help we can get.
The information on the Literary Poster Contest has gone out to all schools. Hopefully we will receive many entries from the both the Public and Catholic School Districts. The prizes have been increased at the Dominion level and should prove to be an incentive for the students. Information is available on the following websites: Youth and Remembrance ( and Remembrance – Veterans Affairs Canada
Please share the following entitled, Ways to Remember, with your family and friends.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Donner, President
Ways to Remember
Canadians often associate The Royal Canadian Legion with Remembrance ceremonies and the annual Poppy campaign. Through these initiatives, we honour and remember Canada’s fallen Veterans and help ensure Canadians never forget.
While November is recognized as a time of Remembrance, for the Legion and for many across the country, Remembrance is a year-long commitment. At any given moment, there are many opportunities available to anyone wishing to show their appreciation for those who served, including: · Becoming a Legion member to support Veterans year-round · Making a donation to the Legion’s Poppy Trust Fund at any Legion Branch
· Saying “Thank you” to a Veteran · Wearing a Poppy · Honouring a fallen Veteran on the Legion’s Wall of Honour and Remembrance · Planting Poppy seeds or growing a garden of Remembrance · Visiting a cenotaph · Inviting a Legion Branch to make a presentation at a school or community group · Wearing or displaying commemorative items from the Poppy Store · Visiting the Canadian War Museum or local history museums
· Volunteering to help Veterans, and more!
Most importantly, take a moment now and then to reflect on the freedoms and peace in your life, and to remember the men and women who served and sacrificed for all we have today.