November President’s Report

November 2021 President’s Report

November has been another very busy month for Robertson Memorial Br #17. Our annual Poppy Campaign began Friday October 29th and ran until Nov 10th. Thank you to all the volunteers who came out in support and sat at our tables or worked on one of the routes. Thank you to Janice and Les for looking after the sorting and counting the money collected and depositing it in the bank. The Office staff also deserve a big thank you for handling Poppy donations from members and processing membership renewals. We do not have an exact number yet because of the money still outstanding from the tap boxes. A big thank you is extended to the community for their continued support for our Veterans. Thank you to all our hard working bar staff and kitchen staff.

You may have seen the big digital signs around town with the Poppy in the middle. These signs were sponsored over 80% by B Digital Ads and we thank Brian and Jacob very much.

There is an interesting story behind Nov 11th and how it finally worked out. I was told by AB/NWT on Monday Oct 25th that we could only have 20 people and then found out on Friday Oct 29th, after much digging, that we could have 200 or more, because it was considered an outdoor event. Luckily all the players involved in Nov 11th had been alerted and once they were called with the go ahead, we all swung into action.

Robertson Memorial would like to extend much appreciation to the following for making Nov 11th another meaningful Remembrance Day for Medicine Hat and our Veterans.

· CFB Suffield



· Robertson Memorial Colour Party


· Mark Ward- Bugler

· South Alberta Pipes and Drums

· Cooks Southland Funeral Home and Crematorium

· Al’s Audio

· RJF Productions

· City of Medicine Hat, Parks and Rec, City Transit, Police Traffic

· Our MP, MLA and Mayor

· City police, City Fire Service, EMS

· Veterans

· Legion Members

A special thank you to all those who joined us at Veterans Memorial Park and those who watched it live streamed, thanks to Cooks Southland.

Thank you to the staff and the volunteers who helped back at the Legion to make the celebration safe and enjoyable for everyone in attendance as we got together after the Service of Remembrance.

I would like to thank the dart players who held a fundraiser for the Branch on Saturday Nov 20th. They raised through 50/50’s and a silent auction a total of $1086 for the building fund.

A Veteran’s Dinner is planned for December 18th in the Ortona Room. Cocktails at 5:30 dinner will be at 6:00. Please come into the Office and pick up a ticket and sign up and let us know if your spouse or care giver will be attending with you. If you are unable to come in, give us a call and we can put your ticket aside for you. Turkey and Roast beef are on the menu. Remember you must be double vaxxed or have a medical exemption with a valid negative Covid test. Remember dress is semi-formal, Legion dress is included.

Our Friday meat raffle and Chase the President resumed November 19th. November 26th we had another good crowd. Please be patient as we try to hire more staff as we adjust to the number of guests we have for each event.

Senior darts continues to be busy on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Pool is popular with our members and their friends. On Dec 10th- 11th Robertson Memorial Br#17 is hosting the District Double 8 Ball Pool.

We have 2 raffles on at the present time. The first is a basket of wine and spirits and the other is a 50inch TV donated by Ken and Stephanie Farrer. Tickets for each are $2/each or 3 for$5.00.

We continue to apply for CEWS and CHRP for both Schooners Pub and the Legion. We have certainly appreciated being able to access this Federal Government Program.

Election for 2021-2022 Executive was held on November 24th. Following is your new Executive: President- Sheila Donner

Past President- Lorraine Lozo

1st Vice President- Roger Beebe

2nd Vice President- Robert Cable

Executive Members: Bill Cox, Darwin Bernhart, Serge Lavine,

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make the Poppy Campaign and November 11th Service of Remembrance so meaningful for the City of Medicine Hat and our Veterans.

Sheila Donner
