April President’s Report

April has been another busy positive month for our Branch. Members continue to renew their memberships and new members have joined. We have processed approximately 100 membership applications this month. We no longer have a “Key card draw” but a “member loonie 50/50 draw”. This means every member has a chance to win the accumulated loonie draw. You must come down to the Branch and put in your loonie and sign in. If your number is drawn you are the winner. You must sign in to win. The pot is already over $700.00. If no one wins, the amount can reach $1000.00 and then anew pot will start. Come on down and sign in.

Our new “Chase the President” can now grow to a total of $20,000- $10,000 for the winner and $10000 for the Branch. Remember, Legion members and guests are eligible, but guests must be signed in by a Branch #17 member. Come on down on a Friday evening and have some fun. The Chase the President takes place just after the Friday night “Meat Raffle”.

April 8 Gary Wilson and I attended an invitation to the Air Cadet “Change of Command”. This was a very enjoyable evening and the cadets were very impressive with their parade.

Vimy Day the Legion unveiled the artwork of Bruce Bairnsfather. His painting was of Vimy and had been donated previously by the family. It had been on loan to the Gault Museum in Lethbridge and they repaired the class. We have decided that this painting will hang in a place of prominence in our Legion. Come on down and see this painting as well as the many other historical artifacts within our Legion.

April 13th the Legion hosted a Luncheon for our Veterans 90 years old this year or who are already 90. Attendance was down from previous years, but a good time was had by all who were present. Later in the evening as very successful “Newfie Night” was held. Thank you to Jason for his music and to Diane for the food. Also, many thanks to all who helped to make this night fun for all.

The District 6 Rally is April 27 in Bellevue. The topics to be covered include the Role of the Branch Executive and the upcoming AB/NWT Convention Drumheller. The Command Rep will give an update on what is happening and looking at the decline in overall Legion membership. Interesting information we will share upon return.

Veterans are reminded that the Annual Veterans’ Dinner is May 4th. Please come down to the Legion Office or call 403-527-7184 to reserve tickets. There is no charge for Veterans and their spouse or caregiver. The guest speaker will be Albert Enns, a Viet Nam War Veteran. At the March General Meeting Albert received the Lapel pin recognizing his service by the United States Government. Congratulations to Albert.

Decoration Day Plans are underway. Headstone cleaning is June 1 at the Hillside Cemetery and June 2 is the Ceremony and wreath laying. Invitations have been sent to the dignitaries laying wreaths and the three cadet corps. Please plan to attend to honor our Veterans.

The Stampede Cash draw is upon us. Please plan to volunteer to help sell the tickets at one of the following locations or during the Medicine Hat Stampede. Robertson Memorial needs the help of all our members who can help. Remember this is your Legion. Things are so much easier when we all pitch in. Following are the various locations that have given us permission to sell our tickets: Medicine Hat Mall, Canadian Tire, 13th Ave CO-OP, Northlands CO-OP, Safeway on Division Ave and Walmart. The dates vary so call the office if you want to volunteer.

The Pizza Oven has arrived and everyone including Diane is thrilled with it. The pizza has been selling extremely well and we thank Diane and her helpers for deciding to make and sell this popular food item.

Good news re the roof- no leakage this winter. Yeah!! We are planning a fundraiser for September to help pay for the “heatilators” for the drain spouts.

Roger Beebe and his work team are continuing to clean, organize and paint our walls so that we can properly display our many artifacts and pictures. Our Branch is developing through their supervision an “Archives Room”. We are finally preserving our wonderful history. Thank you to this group and their vision for the future.

As members we need to continue to remember that the Executive is made up entirely of volunteers. If you wish to volunteer, please let us know. If you have an idea, please share it with us. Our Branch can use your skill and expertise. We have so many wonderful members who do volunteer and step up but if you think you have a skill, we could use LET US KNOW. REMEMBER – YOUR LEGION NEEDS YOU AND YOUR EXPERTISE/SKILL/TIME.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheila Donner,
