President’s Report

March President’s Report 2019

March has been another busy positive month for Robertson Memorial. Develco roofing came in and checked our roof and the good news is our repair job is keeping the water where it should be, outside. Our plan is to fund raise in September for heatilators for the drain spouts to prevent ice build-up and continue to lessen the probability of water/ice damage next winter to the roof. We will be looking for volunteers to help set up the desks donated to the Legion for our Office. We will need to find an electrician to help rewire the many computer and other cords. This and repairing the men’s bathroom in Schooner’s Pub are the major goals for repair this year. Thank you to Jack Bennett and Serge Lavine for all they do to keep our Legion ticking along every day.

Roger Beebe and his work crew continue to clean up and repair the history room and will be looking for frames to hang the many pictures and artifacts that are presently not framed. Keep tuned in case you have some you would like to donate or help frame.

The Pizza Oven has been ordered and we are very excited that Diane will be able to make more of her delicious pizzas and probably more often. We will let you know when we celebrate the oven’s arrival. Diane and Amanda continue to serve great meals and we thank them for their hard work and loyalty to our Legion and members.

On March 23rd, three of our members are attending a Capacity and Leadership skill building Conference at Medicine Hat College. We thank them for taking the time to attend and build on their skills.

April 9th the Legion will be lowering its flag to half-staff from sunrise to sunset in observance of Vimy Ridge Day 2019. “The day honours and remembers those who fought during the fierce Battle of Vimy Ridge in France in 1917, a defining moment for Canada as soldiers from several divisions battled together. “ Robertson Memorial will be hosting a Vimy Day Luncheon from 12:00-1:30pm during which we will be highlighting our Vimy painting and picture with our Members and guests.

April 13th will be a busy Day at our Legion. 12:30-2:00 we will be celebrating and honouring our Legion Veterans who are presently 90 years or older or will be turning 90 this year. Please come out and honour these Veterans.

April 13th we will be celebrating with music and food another “Newfie Night.” See our website for further notice. Arrive early because this event is very popular.

Our sports Chair Kim Bohnet has been very busy with Pool and Darts and we thank him for all his efforts. Can you believe at the end of March Robertson Memorial Br #17 will owe less than $3000 for our Pool tables? Thank you to all our pool players, members and guests whose loyalty and support have made this possible. Once again a big thank you Kim for all his hard work and commitment to Robertson Memorial Br #17.

Gerry Beebe is to be congratulated for all her hard work and diligence in getting our membership list up to date and accurate. Because of this list we have been able to ensure that all members who have paid their 2019 membership dues are in the number drum for the Membership Daily Loonie Draw. She also called with the help of Roger Beebe all the members who have not renewed.

Gary Wilson continues to keep members informed through our Legion website. Gary is knowledgeable and dedicated to doing a super job to keep members up to date on what is happening at their Legion. Well done Gary. Please check out the website at

Our Lottery Chair Serge Lavine continues to do an extraordinary job. He is another dedicated, loyal Legion member of your executive. What excitement March 8th when a lucky Legion member won the big prize of $5000. Congratulations Larry.

We have started another Chase the President only this time the maximum prize can reach $10,000. The difference as well is that tickets are $2.00 each. So far response has been terrific. Thank you to all our weekly volunteers and especially Serge for his limitless energy and his hard work. We will have the Stampede Cash Draw tickets available this week. Please call Serge or Sandy Morrice if you would like to help with a few hours on a week end.

We are easing in Jack Bennett, a newer member on the Executive, and he has proven to be very enthusiastic and willing to be involved wherever needed. We thank him for all that he is doing to help move our legion forward including his help with Maintenance and Repair.

Lorraine Lozo, our Past President, continues to work diligently on grants for our many expensive repair needs, which include the completion of the roof project and new dishwashers for the canteen and kitchen. Thank you Lorraine for all that you do to improve the Legion.

As your President I am reminded daily how lucky we are as a Branch to have such a dedicated group of staff members and executive members.  I encourage all members to please take the time to thank the staff members or your executive because they work very hard each day to maintain and ultimately improve your Legion. They do this because they believe in and love the Royal Canadian Legion and what it represents.

On a different note, I would like to remind all members, guests and staff that our Legion demands and expects that everyone in our building be treated with respect. If you have a problem with someone or about something, bring it to the Manager and we will address the issue/problem accordingly. We take this house rule very seriously and will not tolerate customers attacking verbally our staff, members or guests. We also expect staff to be respectful at all times towards customers and guests. This is always a two-way street.

This is a reminder that the Veterans’ Annual Dinner is scheduled for May 4th in the Ortona Room. We will be posting the information on the website within the next week. Guest speaker TBA.

In conclusion, if you are interested in volunteering please call the office or let a member of your executive know. We always need and can certainly use your skills and expertise.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheila Donner, President